Increase developer velocity to build better software, faster

Myrge offers bespoke code reviews and services to accelerate developer velocity, steer best practices, and unlock software contribution insights.

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User interface for the Myrge Insights platform showing code activity

Providing insights on...

Pull Requests
Lines of Code
Showing 24 issues before Myrge code reviewShowing 0 issues after Myrge code review

code reviews

Highly experienced Engineers provide high quality code reviews to ensure maintainability, readability and security of your code.

A chart showing pull requests, issues and lines of code over 12 weeks

All your developer activity
in one place

Identify risks and bottlenecks with insight into your development activities across multiple platforms, projects and repositories.

Photos of 5 members of a software engineering team

Build high
performing teams

Plan projects right the first time by seeing exactly who specialises in what based on our insights and understanding.

Increase your developer velocity

Clean, maintainable code

By following best practices and your playbook, your releases are always consistent.

Embed best practice

Ensure you can always trust your team to push live by having the safety net of a review.

Your scalable virtual team

Use budget and not headcount to grow your development team, and you can scale when needed.

We support all languages and frameworks

Using Myrge


Building a software engineering culture / skill transfer

Passing external audits and security reviews, being proactive, compliance

Avoid vendor lock-in

JavaScript Logo

Dev Manager

Knowledge bottleneck

Highly functioning team

Access to talent

Stamp / certification of quality / reliability

Arrow right


Velocity / friction removal -- “speeding up slow processes in the SDLC”

Impartial reviews

Ensuring best practices

Arrow right

Decrease defects and increase reliability today